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Ramatoulaye Keita  


Director of Community Health & Wellness

Whitman-Walker Health

Ramatoulaye Keita started at Whitman-Walker Health in September of 2013 as a health educator in the community health department. She is now the Director of Community Health & Wellness and is extremely passionate about building systems that are designed to deliver equitable and low barrier care to under-resourced populations around the globe. In her current role, she oversees HIV prevention efforts to include HIV testing and counseling, PrEP / PEP initiatives, and targeted outreach efforts. In addition to working at WWH, Rama serves as a commissioner on the DC Department of Health’s Planning Commission on Health and HIV. As commissioner, it is her duty to implement and execute integrated strategies that address the health and social needs of all Ryan White clients across the DC metropolitan area. Rama takes immense pride in her community advocacy work, where she strives to deliver care and create space that is inclusive of each client and patient’s individual experiences. She is a first-generation American from Guinea-Conakry, West Africa, and – in addition to English – is fluent in French and three of her native languages. She holds a BS in Public Health and an MS in Management and Healthcare Administration from the University of Maryland.