Masking Status:


PrEP Sign-Up

This booking is only for patients who have been referred to the PrEP Clinic by their PCP, or are enrolled in the PrEP Clinic. If one of these criteria does not apply to you, please text us at 202.978.612 to schedule an appointment or call at 202.745.7000.

In order to access our records system and schedule a medical visit, you must enter your name exactly as it is listed in our medical record. For some patients, that will mean writing both your Legal First Name and the Name You Go By in the First Name field below. Using this example patient, their name in the medical record is listed as Richard ALMA Test. Their Legal First Name is “Richard”, the Name They Go By is “Alma”, and their Legal Last Name is “Test”.

We list your Legal First Name because we need to record what is on your insurance. This will help avoid billing errors or rejections. We also include the Name You Go By in that same First Name field (in all capital letters) to help correctly display it in the medical and ensure we use the correct name.

For this example patient to access the record and scheduling system, in the First Name field they would write “Richard ALMA”, and in the Last Name field they would write “Test”.

We apologize for challenges this may cause. If you would like assistance or information about updating your identity documents, please click here or contact WWH Legal Services at 202.939.7630. If you are unsure how your name is listed in the medical record, please contact to confirm.