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An Open Letter to the Community

At Whitman-Walker, we have a bold vision and big dreams.


Together we will create a society where all persons are seen for who they are, treated with dignity and respect, and afforded equal opportunity to health
and well-being. We will work every day to empower every individual to live healthy, love openly, and achieve equality and inclusion.


Our next big dream is a new health care facility at St. Elizabeths East Campus in Congress Heights. This expansion, scheduled to open in late 2023, will
allow us to relocate and significantly enhance our programs and services from the Max Robinson Center in Anacostia and Youth Services site on Capitol
Hill. This expansion will also strengthen our services for decades to come by expanding our capacity to care for an additional 15,000 patients per


All of us at Whitman-Walker will be focused on ensuring the success of our new facility at St. Elizabeths. But we cannot do this alone. We need your support
to bring this dream to life.


Whitman-Walker Health, our nonprofit health center in its 42nd year of service, looks forward to engaging with you directly to shape our programs
and services at the St. Elizabeths facility. Whitman-Walker Foundation needs greater philanthropic support from individuals, foundations, and corporations
to raise mission-critical funding for this once-in-a-generation expansion. Whitman-Walker Institute, our research, education, and policy advocacy arm,
begins a robust dialogue with community members to create a multi-year roadmap that focuses on health and racial inequities—notably those that
negatively impact the health and well-being of neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River. Finally, Whitman-Walker Health System seeks the collective
support from government, business leaders and individuals as we develop a $15 million capital funding plan for the St. Elizabeths facility.


Beyond this major expansion, we know that we have more to do to widen our welcome for all members of metro DC’s LGBTQ communities. We are energized every
day by the beauty and courage in the people who walk through our doors. We are motivated to offer high quality programs and services that embrace the
evolving needs of everyone in our communities – from transgender persons and queer women and men to LGBTQ youth and seniors, and persons living with
HIV. And above all else, we strive to be inclusive and respectful to all persons.


We invite you to fully engage in the life and work of Whitman-Walker. We look forward to sharing exciting news and opportunities to support us throughout


With Love and Appreciation,




Press contacts

Whitman-Walker Health System


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