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The Institute for Health Research & Policy at Whitman-Walker

Boldly shaping a future of good health for all

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We envision a society where all people are seen for who they are, treated with dignity and respect, and afforded fair opportunities for good health and well-being.

Who We Are

The Institute for Health Research & Policy at Whitman-Walker fosters healthier communities and advances good health for all through person-centered health research, innovative clinical trials, and evidence-based policy solutions.

We envision a society where all people are seen for who they are, treated with dignity and respect, and afforded fair opportunities for good health and well-being.

The Institute at Whitman-Walker partners with communities, government and private-sector researchers, life sciences experts, policymakers, and educators to foster healthier communities by dismantling barriers to good health and health care. Our unique model combines rigorous research, deep health policy expertise, and insights into the daily experiences of the communities we serve.

Our work builds on Whitman-Walker Health’s 50-plus years of service to the Washington, D.C., area and beyond, including Whitman-Walker’s pioneering role as one of the first clinics in the nation to focus on the healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV. Our location in the nation’s capital allows us to integrate local and national perspectives into innovative strategies to improve health in D.C. and across the U.S.

Our dynamic research, policy, and education initiatives save lives and transform the systems that affect the daily health and well-being of the communities we serve. Here are some examples:

Over the last four years, the Institute has recruited more than 6,000 participants into biomedical and public health research studies, increasing the rigor, representation, and impact of health science research and connecting community members to the vital care and services they need.

Our policy and research teams partnered closely with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on a science-based policy that eliminates the ban on blood donation by gay and bisexual men.

The Institute worked with the D.C. Health Benefit Exchange in Washington, D.C., to ensure youth with insurance coverage through the Exchange can access mental health services for just a $5 co-pay, reducing financial barriers to care for youth and their families.

Whitman-Walker has helped lead decades of clinical trials for more than 80% of currently approved antiretroviral drug therapies, resulting in life-sustaining care for people living with HIV.

The Institute is leading the charge nationwide on policy solutions that expand access to high-quality health insurance and health care for all.

Our Research Department is conducting groundbreaking research studies through the PrEP Demonstration Project, New Drugs Cure Hepatitis C trials, and Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening studies, demonstrating new ways to treat and prevent disease.

The Institute drives forward data policy changes to ensure that all people count and are counted — and their privacy is protected — in government surveys, health science research, electronic medical records, and administrative data systems.

The Institute is trusted in the communities we serve and by our research, policy, and education partners. We constantly push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and advocate for policies and programs that foster good health for all.

Who We Serve

The Institute focuses on serving people and communities facing barriers to good health and high-quality health care.

The Institute’s work includes an emphasis on:

  • People living across the lifespan with health conditions such as HIV and other infectious diseases, diabetes, cancer, and mental and behavioral health challenges
  • Our local communities in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, particularly communities in D.C.’s Wards 7 and 8
  • Rural communities with limited access to health care
  • Communities of color, including Black and Latino communities
  • LGBTQ+ communities
  • Patient populations at Federally Qualified Health Centers and other safety net healthcare centers nationwide

What We Do

The Institute works with communities and collaborators from industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to advance good health and well-being for all.

We are the go-to partner for rigorous health research and evidence-based policy innovation. Our unique, community-embedded model and authentic community engagement make us a trusted partner for community members, clinical trial sponsors, health science researchers, policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders.

At the Institute, we believe that research, policy, and education are medicine: they are as integral to good health and well-being as clinical care itself. We listen deeply to community voices to inform our priorities and design initiatives that contribute to scientific breakthroughs and foster environments where all people can thrive. The Institute tackles pressing health challenges through:

  • Innovative clinical trial partnerships, including our community-centered Biomedical Research Hub
  • Person-centered public health and implementation science research
  • Evidence-based health policy solutions
  • Community-focused education for healthcare and social services providers

Here’s how.

Health Research

Our health science research advances good health for all and improves health outcomes for communities in D.C. and across the country.

In partnership with community leaders, academic institutions, industry trial sponsors, and nonprofit organizations, the Institute leads front-line biomedical and public health research to develop new treatments and preventive strategies for conditions such as HIV and cancer.

The Institute’s recruitment experts connect patients and community members with early access to innovative clinical trials and participation in novel health research opportunities in a trusted, caring environment. Our community-focused education, outreach, and retention strategies foster study populations that advance representation in health science research and lead to improved outcomes for all.

Our partnership with Whitman-Walker Health also enables the Institute to participate in learning health system research that drives improvements in healthcare access, quality, and outcomes for patients and communities nationwide.

Policy & Education

The Institute works to advance good health for the communities we serve through evidence-based policy, education, and technical assistance. We engage a wide variety of stakeholders to foster cross-sector collaboration and innovation, creating pathways to transformative, sustainable policies and programs.

  • We specialize in policy analysis and communications, equipping health policy thinkers and advocates with tools to communicate more powerfully and secure effective policy change.
  • The Institute provides training and consulting services to help expand access and improve health outcomes for communities locally and nationwide.
  • We deliver trainings to hospitals, insurers, and other healthcare and social service organizations, empowering them to provide high-quality services to all.

Our goal is to shape the U.S. healthcare and public health systems so everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live, has access to the high-quality care and services that they need.

News & Key Initiatives

Biomedical Research Hub

Our Biomedical Research Hub puts communities at the forefront of groundbreaking research in HIV, cancer, hepatitis, and other health challenges. We combine rigorous science and deep community engagement to dismantle barriers to good health and health care and drive life-saving scientific breakthroughs.