Education & Training

Education & Training at Whitman-Walker

We apply and extend our expertise in LGBTQ+ health and wellness by offering clinical training and internships to medical and behavioral health practitioners; and by offering LGBTQ+ competency education to licensed professionals, students, agency staff, and community.

Focus Areas

We collaborate with our direct service center, Whitman-Walker Health, to provide internships, residencies, and training programs across a range of health care disciplines. Areas of expertise include HIV care, diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections, behavioral health, youth services, and gender-affirming care.

Outside of formal medical education, we disseminate our models of care and clinical and community expertise through a multitude of trainings and educational opportunities.

We offer a multi-level curriculum of general and specialized LGBTQ+ competency and other trainings to providers and community partners across many disciplines, including LGBTQ+ health, HIV treatment and prevention, working with queer youth and families, medical-legal partnerships, name and gender change, estate planning, harm reduction, trauma-informed care, and many more.

Friends with benefits: LGBTQ+ Benefits Design Consulting

Whitman-Walker Institute now offers benefits design consulting to help ensure every member of your organization feels seen, and that your benefits package reinforces a culture of equity, inclusion, and belonging. Let us help you shine as an affirming, inclusive employer with a competitive and cutting-edge benefits package that demonstrates value for both you and your employees.


Reach out today to Kellan Baker:, 202-797-4417.

Cultural Competency Training Toolkit

Whitman-Walker Institute and the National LGBT Cancer Network have unveiled an online tool kit that helps providers and patients address barriers to health equity in care delivery through cultural competency and cultural humility education, by offering best practice tools for addressing assumptions, breaking down bias, and changing culture.

This Cultural Competency Toolkit provides standards and best practices for training health care providers and staff in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual/ace spectrum (A) cultural competence.

It is the culmination of 3 years of collaboration between expert physicians, psychologists, researchers, educators, trainers, and patient advocates from across the United States, including Whitman-Walker Institute and the National LGBT Cancer Network; Howard Brown Health; Fenway Health; Mount Sinai Hospital System; Callen-Lorde Community Health; the UCSF Center for Excellence in Transgender Care; the medical schools of the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, George Washington University, and the University of Pittsburgh; the Human Rights Campaign; the AIDS Foundation of Chicago; and other partners.