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New Transgender Women’s Health Study Now Enrolling

Whitman-Walker Health is excited to announce the launch of a new research project called The LITE Study: Leading Innovation for Transgender Women’s Health and Empowerment. The LITE Study will be the first multi-site cohort of transgender women in the United States and will enroll 1,100 transgender women across Washington DC, Baltimore, Boston, New York, Atlanta and Miami. The study began in March 2018 and aims to enroll about 200 participants here in Washington, DC.

Eligible study participants are:

  • Transgender women and transfeminine people
  • Ages 18 and older
  • English or Spanish speakers
  • and live within the Washington, DC metropolitan area

One of the main aims of this study is to survey transgender women living in and around major metropolitan areas to better understand their lives as they progress throughout their transition. Black and Latinx transgender women experience discrimination and poverty at disproportionately higher rates than other groups and this study attempts to address what leads to those factors and find ways to improve the health and well-being of the transgender community.

All eligible participants will receive $50 for completing the first screening visit, and some may be eligible to earn an additional $400 over the course of two years. Participants in this study will also receive free HIV/STI testing and will have access to exclusive events, raffles, and other offers. In addition to the HIV/STI testing, participants will be asked to complete a survey questionnaire every three months. Study visits can be done in either English or Spanish.

Interested in participating? Please call or text Research Specialists, Kiani Bailey or Aurnell Dright at 240-617-0889 or email Visit our website to find out more at

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