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Dr. H. Jonathon Rendina


Senior Director of Research

Institute for Health Research & Policy at Whitman-Walker

PhD, CUNY Graduate Center, 2014
MPH, CUNY School of Public Health and Health Policy, 2013
BPhil, Pennsylvania State University, 2008

Dr. Jonathon Rendina serves as the Senior Director of Research at the Institute for Health Research & Policy at Whitman-Walker and is jointly appointed as an Associate Research Professor of Epidemiology at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University (GWU). He has held both positions since 2021, in which he works to advance the growth of Whitman-Walker’s clinical and applied research portfolio, develop infrastructure to support research and other sponsored projects within the Institute, support the Institute’s team of Principal Investigators and research staff, and collaborate internally and externally to promote community-engaged research. Jon also serves on the Executive Committee of the District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR), through which he works to enhance Whitman-Walker’s strategic partnerships with other DC-based HIV research institutions.
Jon is an expert in HIV, sexual and gender minority health, and intersectional stigma, and has been awarded more than $30M in NIH funding as Principal Investigator to conduct work in these subjects. Trained as a methodologist and biostatistician, he regularly teaches in these areas as well. Prior to joining Whitman-Walker and GWU, Dr. Rendina was a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY) and a core faculty member of the PhD Program in Health Psychology and Clinical Science.

Jon received his BPhil in interdisciplinary studies from the Pennsylvania State University, his MPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the CUNY School of Public Health, and his PhD in Social Psychology from the CUNY Graduate School and University Center.