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Whitman-Walker Health to Accept CareFirst BlueChoice/HMO Plans

Decision Reflects Heightened Interest From Community Members Who Will Purchase Coverage During 2018 Open Enrollment Period November 2, 2017

Washington, DC—Whitman-Walker Health is pleased to announce that it will accept CareFirst BlueChoice/HMO plans effective December 1, 2017.

Whitman-Walker Health makes this announcement today to inform individuals who will be making health insurance decisions for 2018. We note that the DC Health Link open enrollment period began yesterday, November 1, and ends on January 31, 2018. Our team of public benefits and insurance navigators are available to assist individuals in getting insurance coverage during this open enrollment period and can be reached at (202) 745-6151.

In addition to CareFirst products, Whitman-Walker Health accepts a wide array of commercial insurance plans (see full list here( Please contact Erin Loubier, Senior Director for Health and Legal Integration and Payment Reform, at (202) 939-7662 or should you have any questions about Whitman-Walker Health and its insurance coverage options.


About Whitman-Walker Health

Established in 1978, Whitman-Walker Health is a non-profit, federally qualified community health center serving the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. For almost 40 years, Whitman-Walker staff have provided stigma-free and vital healthcare to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities of Greater Washington, as well to those living with or affected by HIV; and to individuals who cannot afford to pay or feel uncomfortable in other healthcare settings. In the 1980s, Whitman-Walker took the lead in fighting the AIDS epidemic, and its facilities on 14th Street served as both literal and symbolic centers in efforts to care for those living with and dying from the disease, as well as centers of research and advocacy on their behalf. Through its four locations in the district, Whitman-Walker annually serves over 18,000 of Greater Washington’s residents with medical care, dental care, mental health and addiction services, legal services, youth programming and many other wellness and support services.

Press contacts

Abby Paige Fenton

(202) 797-3525

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